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Category - Cyclocross

Dave and Jase race lots

Cyclocross, Mountain Biking, Road Biking

Team JMC cyclists Dave Powell and Jason Miles have been busy on the local racing scene recently, both have taken part in the British Cycling-organised ‘Midweek Madness’ cross-country mountain bike race in Manchester and the Dolphinholme 60 kilometre…

Hit the North 3 Results

Cyclocross, Mountain Biking

A total of 12 Team JMC riders took part in this year’s Hit the North race, a 2 hour lap-based cycle event based at Philips Park, Whitefield. Only a stone’s throw from the JMC IT offices and co-organised…

Hit the North 3

Cyclocross, Mountain Biking

Organised by Team JMC’s very own Jason Miles, Hit the North is a 2 hour offroad cycle race based at Philips Park, almost next door to the JMC IT offices. Over 300 riders have signed up for the…